Friday, March 29, 2013

"on a train to see gramma"

Getting Smarter About it

Simone: "Mommy, I want more applesauce."
Me: "OK, eat your muffin first. When it's all gone, I'll give you more applesauce."
Simone: hides her muffin underneath her place mat "Mommy, I want more applesauce. My muffin is gone."
Simone and Sidney 'camping' on the floor beside our bed.
Sid is being a good sport with the pillow and blanket.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I just peeked into the other room to see what Simone was up to. She, wet cloth in hand, pointed to the chair 'dat dirty'. I looked and saw that she had indeed wiped down the dirty chair. She then went around the room pointing at 15-20 other things repeating 'dat dirty' each time she pointed. And, sure enough, she had wiped clean the spots that were dirty. She gave me a 'boy am I wore out after all this hard work cleaning' face but then diligently went back to surveying the house and cleaning up the dirty spots. I'm sure that's what all toddlers do when they're left alone, right? They get disgusted enough with the dirty house that they grab a wash rag and start cleaning? ;-)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Her newest favorite is the purple baby blanket grams made her